Sunday, April 28, 2013

Journal #7: PLN (NETS 5)

PLN, personal learning network, is a group of people that connect within one another to create a network of shared, informational resources online. This allows educators to collaborate with anyone around the globe and enables one another to obtain different ideas or techniques about education. I have slowly initiated my personal learning network through online social networks such as Twitter, The Educator’s PLN, and Diigo. I will be able to broaden my teaching ideas from those who are more knowledgeable and have more teaching experience. Not only will I develop a virtual learning environment with educators, but I will be able to create virtual friendships as well.

Twitter is a social networking tool referred to as micro blogging, which enables people to share information in short bursts of blurbs or comments. I am following Lisa Dabbs, Jaime Vandergrift, Jamie Murray Armin, and Rick Wormeli to name a few.  I use Twitter the most too collect information that will help me to become a better educator because there are so many people with amazing resources who share often. I gained a lot of great information and tips about conservation and “Earth Day” when I joined the topic in #ntchat on Wednesday, March 27, 2013 which began at 5pm. I learned that there is a large group of passionate people who want to save our earth and make it better for the generations to come. More and more schools are investing in recycling programs and such, yet most of our teachers have to find ways to incorporate Earth Day into the curriculum because some schools lack still lack the passion for conserving our planet.

Diigo is a free social-bookmarking website tool that allows you to save and share a collection of information, which can be accessed from any computer or location. One neat thing that it allows someone to do is to highlight certain areas of an online article. It is a great tool to broaden a personal learning network because it allows you to follow certain people and be able to tag the information that they have collected. I have followed a few people such as Susan Glassett, Angela Maiers, Jackie Gerstein, Alice Keeler and Lisa Dabbs, who leads the #ntchat. I am following them because they have a lot of great resources that I can learn from and they have a passion for teaching. I tagged a few things as PLN to refer back to if needed such as: an article from that talks about what a PLN is and how to incorporate Twitter, a blog post by Lisa Nielsen and her 5 things for beginning a PLN, as well as Personal Learning Network 101.

I joined The Educator’s PLN at to help enhance my personal learning network. I found a video, which interested me, called “How Much Should Homework Count” by Rick Wormeli. He talked about homework as “practice”, which is “an extension of that which is already learned”; I feel this is how homework should be viewed. Wormeli also does not agree on “packets”. He even gives different practice to different students depending on how each one is absorbing the material because he understands that all students learn differently.  Wormeli only weighs homework at about 5% or less; anything more than that can misrepresent the accuracy of the grade.

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